Pre-Primary Weekly Memo
15 November 2024
Dear Parents
What a fun-filled week we had! Our little ones got hands-on in the kitchen, making delicious chocolate squares (and, of course, sneaking a taste or two!).
Outdoors, they had a blast transforming our driveway into a colourful playground. Chalk art covered the pavement with their bright, creative doodles while wagons and wheelbarrows zoomed up and down, carrying treasures (and sometimes each other!). From kicking balls to enjoying the sunshine, each moment was a joyful adventure.
Safety and Gate Times
In our ongoing commitment to prioritising the safety and well-being of our little ones, we have made adjustments to the school gate access times. These changes are effective immediately and are as follows:
Morning drop-off: Gates open from 7h30 to 8h30.
Half-day collection: Gates open from 12h45 to 14h00, as aftercare begins promptly at 14h00.
Aftercare collection: Gates open from 16h00 to 17h00.
We understand that routine changes can be challenging, and we deeply appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to create a secure environment for all.
To help make the half-day collection time slot (12h45–14h00) more convenient, Grade 000 and 00 children will be waiting in the foyer for quick and easy collection.
Please note that from 14h00 onwards, all children will join the aftercare groups, and accounts will be billed the ad hoc aftercare fee for any additional care provided.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for every child in our care. Should you have any concerns, please feel free to reach out—we are here to listen and assist.
Grade R Graduation
The parents of the Grade R learners are cordially invited to attend the Graduation Ceremony in person on Friday, 22 November, at 08:45. There is no limit on the number of attendees—all parents, grandparents, and special people are welcome to attend this special event and morning.
We look forward to welcoming parents, special people, family, and friends to this very special ceremony on Friday, 22 November.
Attire for Graduation Day:
Grey school shorts
Grey long school socks (folded over)
Black school shoes
White short-sleeved school shirt with collar
School tie (available for R135 at Pre-Primary Reception, billed to your account)
A graduation cape will be provided for the photographs (no blazers required)
Boys’ clothing can be purchased at Woolworths, Edgars, Ackermans, Jet, or PEP.
Pink full-length ballet tights (available from Belinda at Ballet Basics 021 558 9897 / 074 114 6661)
White underwear (without pictures)
Ballet shoes (the school will provide them if needed)
A graduation cape, dress, and white hair ribbon will be provided
Hair should be tied in a neat ponytail (if long enough)
Please ensure all items are marked with your child’s name and send a change of clothes for after the ceremony.
Arrival and Ceremony Details:
Drop-off by 08h00 at the Senior Preparatory Faculty in Wood Drive. Teachers will assist the children in preparing for the ceremony.
The hall will open at 08h30.
After the ceremony, children will change and be brought to the parking lot if you wish to take them home. Those staying will be escorted back to their classes.
We appreciate your understanding and are excited to share this memorable occasion with you!
Graduation Photographs
For our Grade R families, individual graduation photographs have already been printed and will be included in a special keepsake folder with the graduation certificate, which will be handed out following the ceremony on Friday, 22 November. A graduation group photograph and additional individual photographs are also available for ordering at R60 each; please email Liezl Stander at to place your order by 27 November. The graduation photos will also be billed to your account.
Peter's Adventures Concert Photographs
Parents are welcome to order concert photographs by emailing Liezl Stander at; R60 per photo will be billed to their account. The cut-off date for concert photo orders is Wednesday, 27 November.
Spring Quarter Outreach
Please drop donations in the Pre-Primary Reception for this worthwhile food drive.
A Library Adventure
Many of you may be familiar with the Ten Minutes To Bed series. This beloved series from Rhiannon Fielding and Chris Chatterton introduces children to the Land of Nod and a host of cute little characters. This series provides a useful resource for parents to settle and calm young children at bedtime as they get drawn in by the gentle stories and soothing rhyming cadence.
The latest arrival in the series is Find Little Unicorn, an interactive search-and-find adventure in which children can search for Twinkle the adventurous little unicorn, as well as the other iconic characters like the little wolf, fairy, dinosaur and dragon.
Holiday Hint: The Penguin Random House website offers some lovely activity sheets from the series to keep little hands busy. Follow the link or scan the QR Code. Enjoy!
Elise Crouse - Librarian

Registered Nurse: Amy Dolley
Important Dates - Spring Quarter
16 November: Happy Birthday Tali Maltz
21 November: Happy Birthday Brenda Dingile
22 November: Grade R Graduation 08:45 - 11:00
25 November: Class lists released
29 November: Bop Boppers (All grades)
29 November: Grade 000 and Crackerjacks Cake Sale
29 November: Reports sent to parents
2 December: Splash and Class Parties
4 December: Last day of the quarter - School closes at 11:00
Parent Business Directory
Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary parents who are in business are able to list their businesses in our Parent Business Directory –
LISTINGS ARE FREE and include contact information as well as the opportunity to include a business logo or advert. Listings are available 24/7 on the College website and will be updated each quarter.
Should you be interested in marketing your business to over 1000 families, email: to get started.
All listings will be subject to the College’s final approval.
This week's feature business is...
Event Highlights:
• Fun for Kids: A range of activities that are both entertaining and educational.
• Fire Safety Demonstrations: Learn about wildfire prevention and safety, inspiring the next generation to protect our natural environment.
• Community Appreciation: This is our way of saying thank you for your support, especially during fire season.
This day not only highlights the critical work of our volunteer firefighters in safeguarding the natural resources of the Western Cape, but it’s also an important fundraising opportunity for us to continue our mission safely and effectively.
For more details, please check the event link below:
Quicket - VWS Open Day 2024
2025 Dates
Please note that there has been a slight change to the 2025 dates indicated in blue below:
Provisional dates for 2025
Summer Quarter: 20 January – 28 March
Autumn Quarter: 08 April- 25 June
*Mid-term break: 29 April – 2 May
Winter Quarter: 22 July – 23 Sept
Spring Quarter: 14 October – 05 December
2025 Grade R Information (Current Pooh Bear's and Roo's House)
The Grade R stationery kit for 2025 as detailed below is payable via Credit Card, Direct Deposit or EFT to Waltons, before Friday, 13 December 2024. The kit will be used daily to promote handwriting, literacy and numeracy in an informal and fun manner within the classroom. The paid stationery will be delivered to the school and issued to your child’s class teacher before the Summer Quarter 2025.
2025 Grade 1 Information
Message from Chantel Lamb:
Junior Preparatory Principal
Dear Parents
The Junior Preparatory Faculty cannot wait to welcome your little one to Grade 1 in 2025. I look forward to getting to know them and will soon visit their class to read a story and introduce myself.
Although the children will have a "pop in" during the school day to meet their teacher on 27 November, there will be a special Orientation for them to spend some time with their teachers on Wednesday 15 January from 13:00 - 14:00. Parents are welcome to stay and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee in the foyer with me, Chantel Lamb and Emma Oxley Simpson, our Junior Preparatory Associate Principal.
Please refer to the Welcome Letter, Frequently Asked Questions and Uniform and Sports requirements as well as the Device and Stationery Requirements. Every Grade One learner and all new learners joining the College are required to wear the striped blazer.
The Parent Information Meeting is on Thursday, 16 January 2025, from 15:00 - 16:00. This is an opportunity for parents/caregivers to meet their child’s class teacher and find out more about the daily activities in Grade One.
School starts on Monday 20 January 2025 and for the first week, the Grade 1 day will end at 12:00 to ensure an easier transition. From the following week, school ends every day at 14:00, and you may collect your children from their classrooms or their teachers will take them to aftercare.
Sport will start on Monday 27 January and is during the school day on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 13:00 and 14:00. On these days the learners may come to school dressed in their P.E Kit.
Our Grade 1-3 learners have a choice between Afrikaans First Additional Language (FAL) and isiXhosa First Additional Language (FAL). Please click on the link to complete the form: First Additional Language 2025
The information included in the documents below should provide a good overview and answer most questions. However, you are more than welcome to contact me should you have any further questions.
I look forward to meeting you at the Grade R Graduation and at the Grade 1 Orientation on 15 January 2025.
Chantel Lamb
Junior Preparatory Principal
Grade 1 - 6 Device Requirements
Please note that stationery must be labelled and sent to school on the first day of the year. Books DO NOT need to be covered as the covers are created in class with the children and the teachers will cover the books with the slip on plastic covers.
We invite parents of all current individual music learners as well as those wishing to commence individual lessons in 2025 to please complete the following enrolment form: JP Individual Music
We require a new form to be completed annually. A form for Ensembles, including Marimba, Choir, and Orchestra, will be shared at the start of 2025.
We will endeavour to ensure that your child is placed with the same teacher as in 2024, but we can only finalise a time slot at the start of 2025.

We invite all our Preparatory and Pre-Primary parents to attend the Sports Meeting on Thursday, 28 November, in the Senior Preparatory Hall. We look forward to seeing you there and engaging with you directly about our sports programme!
Class Placements (please refer to our Parent and Learner Directory)
Our primary goal is to create a balanced environment where each little one can thrive. To do this, we carefully consider every child’s class placement. Our team of teachers and management thoughtfully consider each child’s unique emotional, social, and academic needs, as well as the social dynamics among the children, to ensure that each learner is placed in the best possible setting for the year ahead.
While we understand that some parents may have preferences, we hope you’ll trust in our teachers' expertise and our commitment to placing each child where they can flourish. This process is a substantial undertaking, with many hours of collaboration and consideration going into each decision. We are dedicated to making choices that will allow every child to feel supported and thrive within their classroom community.
Wishing Tali Maltz a very happy birthday on the 16th of November, and Brenda Dingile a wonderful birthday on the 21st of November! May both of you have a fantastic day and a year filled with joy and happiness! 🎉🎂
Enjoy the weekend.
Riëtte Pieterse
Principal: Christopher Robin Pre-Primary
Tel: 0861 EDUCATE
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