Health & Safety
Immunisation is a vital step in protecting children from preventable diseases, ensuring their health and well-being as they grow.

Is nap time important?
In my experience, once children get to around 3 or 4 years old, they no longer want to nap. Sometimes parents insist that they must nap and sometimes parents say that their child must not nap. Now you have two dilemmas, a child who is disruptive because they don’t want to nap and a child who is falling asleep while eating their lunch, who is not supposed to sleep.
According to research, sleep is not just beneficial for preschoolers, it is crucial. It highlighted how critical a simple midday nap is to boosting learning and memory retention. It's not just academic performance that improves during naps. Children who nap react better emotionally and not napping can make them more anxious and less likely to experience joy and excitement.
How long should nap time be? Some children may not nap at all, and others may fall asleep easily depending on how long they slept the night before. Nap time should be between one and two hours, depending on the age group. This gives them enough time to rest without waking up feeling groggy. The amount of sleep a child needs varies according to age. Toddlers need more sleep than 5yr olds.
Here are some helpful tips to help you get the most out of nap time:
1.Nap time should be at the same time every day, so the children know what to expect.
2.Make the room dark and quiet.
3.Make sure the children are comfortable on a mattress.
4.Go to the toilet before nap time.
5.A nice, soft, snuggly blanket helps to settle them.
6.Play calming music during nap time.
7.Avoid conversations with other staff members.
8.If a child can’t relax, have them lie on their back with their arms at their sides and take deep breaths. This helps them to relax.
9.Give them a soft toy to cuddle.
10.Speak in a soft, soothing voice.
11.Wake them up at the same time every day.
12.Give them a snack and a drink when they wake up.
13.Children who can’t sleep may look at a book or play quietly on their mattress after a rest time.
A good nap time routine, whether the child is a napper or not. Children who don’t nap will learn that they must be quiet for a time. Rest is important for their overall well-being and having time wind-down and recharge will ensure that everyone has a better afternoon.